Friday, December 27, 2019

Quick, easy sakura shrimp aglio e olio pasta - South China Morning Post

Quick, easy sakura shrimp aglio e olio pasta - South China Morning Post

I love the classic Italian pairing of aglio e olio - garlic and oil that's cooked with chilli flakes and served with pasta. But with the garlic, oil and chilli flakes as the starting point, the combination is open to endless variations. Here, the ingredients are cooked with sakura ebi - tiny pink shrimp that can be eaten fresh, but which are more commonly available dried. Light and delicate, these dried shrimp are very different from Chinese dried shrimp, which are thicker, harder and chewier. They're sold in packs from shops that specialise in Japanese ingredients. For even more umami, I add Chinese dried shrimp roe and fresh tobiko (flying fish) roe.

This makes far more of the topping than you'll need for two servings; the leftovers keep for at least two weeks in the fridge. The next time you want to serve the dish, heat some of the remaining sakura shrimp aglio e olio in a skillet while boiling the pasta.

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2019-12-27 12:12:46Z


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